Monday 16 March 2009

hi from España

Hi guys, i´d love to report to you that its raining and cold but its Sunny and warm eeeekkk sorry bout´that. I´m currently covered in white paint from painting the office this morning so people are looking at me strangely in this internet cafe.

Things are good here, Naomi is well and so are the rest of the Coleys. Howard preached at a Spanish speaking fellowship yesterday and all went well there. I preached about the apostle Paul, past, present and future and recieved good feedback. its an issue that i have faced so i am sure others are in the same boat from time to time. its a real art to not allow your past to distract you from your God given destiny. anyway i´m going into preaching mode again.....

My parents are coming out to see me next week and i cannot wait to see them, its only been 4 weeks, what a big softie!! anyway keep up the emails and the calls and keep me in your Prayers.

p.s please Pray for our new youth house group that starts a week on thursday. will let you know how it went.

lots of love from Dave

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