Monday 14 May 2012

More news from the mission field in Spain Options Dave Hodgson Another busy sunday, preached on God loves a cheerful giver and that if you look out for others God shows you extraordinary grace. BTW I am typing one handed as i have a crying baby on my shoulder. Naomi teaches English on a monday morning and I am on baby duty, whilst in the church office. She has started to smile now which is rewarding even at 4pm in the morning. Naomi Coley Hodgson is doing really well she is natural mum and is far more experienced with children than I am. She is a great wife and I know she works hard looking after Melissa whilst daddy is at work. On a very Spiritual note now, Malaga CF have made it into a champions league position which is great not just for football fans like myself, but also very good for the area and will bring many more people to the costa del sol. Keep us in your prayers. God has blessed us with great supporters so thanks to all who help us. Like · · Unfollow post · 2 seconds ag

Monday 7 May 2012

More news from the mission field in Spain This week we are starting our "soup and Sandwiches" club where folks who have very little income can come and receive a free lunch (yes there is such a thing). Please pray that the families come and that we can build up better relationships with them. Naomi and Melissa are well albeit Melissa has an upset stomach and she is like her dad she wants to let you know when she has pain. God is good and he is looking after us as a family.