Monday 28 March 2011

More news from the mission field in Spain.

Update from SpainWell there is another a dull moment in Spain. Last week I spent some time with a good friend of mine an Irish man Richie Allen who is the evening presenter on Talk Radio Europe. I had the chance to sit in with him and field questions such as where was God during the tsunami etc. I also later met his french bride to be later and we had a great time.
This last sunday i had the delight of interviewing a woman who impacted my faith as a young Christian. Jean Neil was healed at the NEC under the ministry of Reinhard Bonke, the BBC did a documentary on her at the time. you can listen online at and click ondemand and then schroll down the page and choose sunday 8 am
Its exciting times here in the church and it seems God is opening up more doors for ministry. In all my time so far in Spain i have never felt so excited as do right now about all that is happening in the church.

2 people were healed in our Bible study last wednesday and incidently that group had 22 people in attendance this week. We also had our 20s and 30s group with 9 people there and its going great guns.

so loads of great stuff happening. thanks for your ongoing support

so please keep myself and Naomi in your prayers..

1 comment:

RevDavidJHodgson said...

I meant to say NEVER a dull moment.