Monday 17 January 2011

रियल faith

Yesterday i was preaching on the shumanite woman. she recieve a miracle baby from God, a son. When her son suddenly is taken ill she acts in desperate faith and goes to Elisha for help. she is persistant and that faith is rewarded.
Elisha clearly sees the woman is in bitter distress yet she says everything is alright with me. clearly it isnt alright otherwise she would not had been there in the first place.

so is he decieving herself or denying reality, i believe not. She is exercising awesome faith. it takes real faith when the circunmstances around us become desperate. real faith doesn´t deny reality it recognises it, but when your trust is in God real faith recognises God is more powerful.

so whatever you maybe facing this week remember we can face our problems and challenges knowing that God is soveriegn and he can help us and is able to help us.

may you understand your circumstances and really comprehend Gods awesome power in the lives of those who trust and follow him.

just a thought i had to get us going this monday morning....

Every blessing, Dave

1 comment:

RevDavidJHodgson said...

not sure why but my titles get translated into arabic??